Art Prints

If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one. -Dolly Parton

Take a walk in my shoes, give him his walking papers, walking on Eggshells: The phrases that contain that a walking reference seem to be endless maybe because it’s something that’s a great uniter, we all walk.

Up to January of the year I walked for necessity and necessity alone. Just like Saul was converted on road to Damascus, I was converted on a bog road in Kilteevan! I had my phone with me and took a few pics and posted online. There was great feedback!

That’s when I decided to begin this project, Six Months of Walking.

As well photos from the project I am going to use this this space to show case photos I have taken on my travels in the past.


Where Do You Walk?

I love hearing about new places to walk and photograph

Tell Me About Your Favourite Spot to Walk!

Click the button below to tell me more. I'll let you know when I have been!
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